Fake releases plaguing my Spotify playlists

I can't be the only one who this is happening to? - 9/23/22

For a better part of this year, my Fridays have been made much more enjoyable by the Release Radar playlist. While it is a convenient way to find new music from artists I enjoy, recently more and more bad actors have started exploiting the mechanism behind it.

Legitimate song example A legitimate example of a track appearing in the Release Radar playlist - as I listen to BONES:

But no good deed goes unpunished! Below are some examples of fraudulent music releases. Those songs are uploaded by random artists, but they "tag" a more known artist who has nothing to do with the song, so their song would appear in people's Release Radar playlists.

fraud This song is made by someone going by Base Hollow. On the song as other artists we can find Egg, Snow, Tubbo and quinn. However the song only features one female singer with no sign of one of those famous artists working on the song?

This account on Spotify only exists to make money from fraudulent releases that have big artists somehow "appearing" on them. All of the songs you find uploaded on the account have multi-million monthly listeners tagged on them. In reality these tagged artists have nothing to do with the song!

This Friday's Release Radar playlist had 6 songs that fall into the fake/fraudulent criteria. Hope it gets fixed soon!